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Self Care is not Selfish!

Women’s mentoring foundation has given me a platform to follow my passion of helping women to become stronger mentally and emotionally. My collaboration with the organisation has made me reflect on the importance of Self-care in our lives.

For me it is a 4 step formula-


First step of self-care is to understand oneself. It is about knowing strengths and weaknesses, knowing our desires, dreams and aspirations. It is also about bringing to our awareness working pattern of our body, mind and its abilities. By art of reflection, we are developing the understanding of trigger points which evoke certain emotions and feelings within us, which enables us to gain more self-control and self-discipline. Better understanding of self leads to acceptance of oneself which in turn leads to being more open to accepting of others and situations.


After gaining the acceptance of self, we can focus towards building our confidence. Since we have the awareness of our abilities and vision, we can start to motivate ourselves in the right direction. Motivation is possible when a desire to bring a change is ignited. By achieving set goals through motivation will in turn inspire oneself to work harder, better for the greater good. This finally will facilitate our self-esteem to grow and flourish.


Addition of self-confidence will facilitate expansion and growth of one’s personality. Development is an ongoing journey to constantly reinventing and rejuvenating self. It is about improving the existing skills and attributes along with discovering new hidden capabilities. This is the step which requires the growth mindset and to encompass the belief in oneself.


Believing in self is also about developing love for oneself. Loving self is to acknowledge our achievements and to celebrate both of our limitations and powers. It is about taking care of ourselves and doing things which give us the happiness. It is about gifting self with time to take part in the activities which brings joy and meeting up with people socially with whom we can relate to.

According to me, we can achieve taking care of ourselves by following the above four steps.

Lastly, I just want everyone to remember that “Past is passed, Future is unknown and the Present is the PRESENT”.

Women’s Mentoring Foundation (WMF) helps one to gain knowledge and a better understanding of self. So, please reach out to us by using the links provided to the right of this article.

Thank you
Navya Rattehalli
Program Manager
Women’s Mentoring Foundation

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