Be the change you want to see!

These last few weeks our team here at the Women’s Mentoring Foundation has been busy setting up platforms that will give WMF a stronger foundation as it continues to deliver on its cause. You can check out our website for all the latest updates, to meet our team and contribute to making a difference in a Life!

To help you look on the brighter side, and to inspire you to “be the change you want to see”, these simple mindfulness techniques may help you navigate every day-challenges. Controling worry and tuning into your surroundings with a greater awareness, to allow you to tap into a deep well of resilience for yourself and for those around you.

Allow some breathing room for you.

You can use this meditation to develop your ability to ground yourself whenever difficult events or emotions arise. This practice allows us to return to present-moment awareness. When we give ourselves room to be still and breathe, we can approach difficulty with more equanimity and compassion for ourselves and others. Its also increases your energy levels

Where are you living with your emotions?

Emotions are worthy of and deserve our attention, respect and care. Getting familiar with how emotions feel in our body as well as our mind can help us respond to our emotions skilfully rather than reacting mindlessly. When we allow our emotional lives to inform us, rather than control us, we give ourselves space to accept things like what is needed right now for us to be in better space.

In conclusion

In response to painful experiences, most of us would probably like to respond with compassion, but we may not have the tools to put our intention into practice. It isn’t easy. The starting point is getting in touch with our empathy and understanding, to connecting with your heart by loving you and just being present with you – Can you feel your heart, can you feel love and healing?

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