
How can we support you?

The Women’s Mentoring Foundation (WMF) Charity empowers women, who are hurting from the Griefs of life that they have or are enduring, from abuse, anger, insecurity, suicidal thoughts, depression, stress, gender discrimination compromised mental and emotional wellbeing, instability.

Programs / Workshops

Our programs include, GriefShare, Hurting to Healing program, Self-Development, and Unleashing the Leader Within. We have adopted innovative leadership solutions leveraging a roundtable methodology and a heart to add value to women who grow and multiply that value to others. These women have travelled the ages of grief in all areas of life, they are hurting and have decided that it’s enough now.

Our Programs aim are:
• to provide compassionate relief to women suffering or in distress from diverse backgrounds:
• to support them by offering intervention support and bereavement counselling to save lives;
• to provide peer mentors to build capacity to support women suffering from suicidal crisis, emotional pain or distress;
• to encourage recovery in a compassionate and respectful way;
• to provide information and referral for women who are suffering from poverty of distress;
• to establish suicide prevention activities to support community connection and awareness activities.

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For Workplaces
For Communities
For Schools

Comprehensive Support

Mentoring and one-on-one coaching can often be the first port of call when in a heightened state that is often the case after facing a traumatic experience. Our friendly team can help you find the correct path to start on wether it is our programs or a referral to external services.
WMF can help you trouble shoot and support you through your journey.

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Speeches and Conferences

Women’s mentoring foundations offers key note speeches, Seminars, and Conferences to other like minded organisations to support partnerships and to help train other organisations who are dealing with vulnerable women.

Speaking Topics include and can be bespoke to your requirements? 

• Depression / Anxiety / Stress 
• COVID-19 Impact / Effect 
• Trauma Related Difficulties / Personal Issues 
• Workplace / Inequality Issues 
• Mental Health  
• Grief / Separation / Divorce 
• Emotional / Physical / Mindset 
• Self-leadership – from Trauma 

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Free Monthly Community Workshop

Peer Counselling

‘WMF’s Peer Counselling is supporting women and youth experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns to find help, hope, and purpose – thus resulting in improved living!’

WMF improves the lives of women with mental health and wellbeing concerns through our culturally appropriate Peer Counselling services.

Every person’s mental health journey is unique, which is why we provide Peer Counselling – a personalised support to women and youth. WMF’s Peer Conselling services are offered via a range of mobile outreach, centre-based and online delivery services.

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Referral Services

The Women’s Mentoring Foundation understands the complexities of trauma and grief and the limitations it has as an organisation to assist those in need. This is why WMF partners with other organisations who specialise in the areas that we do not to ensure a robust outcome for the women.

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