
Hello and welcome to our very first blog here at The Women’s Mentoring Foundation. We a registered charitable organisation that helps Women heal from hurt, distress, grief and trauma experienced in their life. We support Women in building their Self-leadership through increasing Confidence, focus, and better mental, emotional, and social health. We do this with the aid of our grief share program, Hurting from Healing, Self-Development, Leadership and other programs. The Women’s Mentoring Foundation also offers speaking engagements, therapies and various events held throughout the year

With so much bad news in the world today, from global disasters to viral pandemics, sometimes it’s good to be reminded that not everything out there is terrible. In fact, there’s a lot going on across the globe and country that is genuinely great – but receive little attention.

Smaller charities are the heart of communities across Australia and during the pandemic and continuous lockdowns, it was smaller charities that used their networks and reach to support people in their communities that were cut off, isolated, or at risk. They keep the country moving and should be applauded for everything they do.

We see small charities as an excellent source of insight for the wider sector. Sure, they might not have the big teams or big budgets to do all the flashy digital things but there are plenty of ways they’re amazing at the fundraising fundamentals.

In our weekly Blogs and WMF’s Monthly Empowering newsletters we will share effective value add tools and resources that will truly make a difference in the quality of your life.

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